
Ice cream and coffee at its best!

Affogato (translation: 'drowned') is an Italian dessert made by drenching scoops of ice cream with a hot, strong coffee. It is literally the easiest dessert to make... and one of the most delicious. The ice cream doesn't melt straightaway, so for the first few mouthfuls, you get the delightful sensation of hot and cold at the same time. Affogato can be served neat or with crushed amaretti biscuits sprinkled on top.



  • 4 scoops vanilla ice cream
  • 2 shots of freshly made, hot espresso
  • 2 amaretti biscuits, crushed (optional)


  • Add two scoops of vanilla ice cream to each of two ice cream bowls or cups.
  • Pour a shot of espresso into each bowl or cup.
  • If using, sprinkle the crushed amaretti biscuits on top of each affogato.
  • Serve immediately before the ice cream begins to melt.

NB This recipe makes 2 affogati, but if you save it to your MyMeals365 app, you can change the number of servings and the app will work out the exact quantities of each ingredient you need.