Butterfly cakes

Perfect for a party!

Butterfly cakes are a classic! As they're so quick and easy to make, they're a great way to get children interested in baking. They're perfect for kids' parties... but adults will love them too! Best served with a nice cup of tea ☺

Butterfly cakes


For the cakes:

  • 110g butter or margarine
  • 110g sugar (demerara or caster)
  • 2 eggs
  • 110g self-raising flour
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder

For the butter icing:

  • 220g icing sugar
  • 110g butter
  • A splash of milk
  • Jam (optional)
  • Sprinkles to decorate (optional)


  • Cream the butter or margarine and sugar together in a large bowl using a wooden spoon. Then stir in the eggs.
  • Fold in the flour and baking powder and whisk the mixture togther until pale and creamy.
  • Lay out 12 paper cake cases on a baking sheet or bun tin.
  • Using a teaspoon, evenly distribute the mixture between the cake cases.
  • Bake in the oven at 200°C (180°C for fan assisted ovens) until golden brown.
  • Remove from the oven and leave to cool.
  • Whilst the cakes are cooking, prepare the butter icing filling by creaming the butter and sugar together in a bowl. Add in a splash of milk, if required, to make the icing a little more liquid.
  • Once the cakes have cooled, use a sharp knife to slice off the tops and then cut these in half. These little pieces of cake will be your butterfly wings! If your cakes are a little flat, you can cut out a shallow cone shape instead.
  • Fill the hole with the a little jam (if using) and some butter icing. Then place the wings on top of the cake.
  • Sprinkle a little icing sugar on top of your cakes and decorate with sprinkles if desired.

NB This recipe makes 12 cakes, but if you save it to your MyMeals365 app, you can change the number of servings and the app will work out the exact quantities of each ingredient you need.