Newcastle can't... MyMeals365 can

Or why I'm glad I use MM365 to save my recipes!

Did you ever see "Britain's Fat Fight" on the BBC? Here at MyMeals365, we love a good food and / or cooking programme, and I'm a big fan of Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall. So this programme was right up our street.

In the series, HF-W investigated the obesity crisis in Britain, and launched a campaign to see how much weight the people of Newcastle could lose over the course of a year. A website to accompany the show ("Newcastle Can") had some great ideas for healthy eating and Tom and I tried out a number of the recipes - all of them amazingly delicious.

"Why are you reminiscing about this now?", I hear you cry. Because today I went to look at the website... and guess what? It's been put "on hold"! Website and recipes... GONE!

Except... they're not! Not for me, anyway 😉

You see, I was canny enough to save them all to the MyMeals365 app before the website was taken down. And with MyMeals365, once a recipe is saved to your virtual cookbook, it's saved forever.

So, tonight I was able to make my favourite Newcastle Can recipe - Fish and tomato curry - even though the website is no more.

And it was perfect on this (surprisingly chilly) July evening.